The Sunflower Seeds EP - Let's Help Ukraine
The images coming out of Ukraine right now are horrifying. We can’t just sit back anymore. It’s time to take action the only way we know how. With music.
We are proud to announce The Sunflower Seeds EP. This 4 song collection of tunes will be composed of covers of European or European-based artists.

Furthermore, every single penny we make off of this release will be sent directly to the Ukrainian military to support the fight against Russia. We will be donating directly to the Ukrainian Armed Forces via a secure account the Ukrainian government has set up for this exact reason. These songs will be released one at a time on our Bandcamp page over the next few weeks.
Thanks for your support - we hope we can make even a little bit of a difference in a world that’s gone so dark. Together, we can tell these invaders - иди нахуй.